is it already monday?
What a weekend. Friday night was the Sheesha Bar with Katie "McKate" and "By-RAN". Coconut is by far my favorite flavor to date. I came home and looked at hookahs on eBay, but I'm not sure how my roommate will feel about a 3 ft., semi-illegal looking pipe on our balcony. I'll have to get her hooked, or should I say hookah-ed...I am so cool.
Saturday was one of ATS's world-famous barbeques. Two of his best friends from back home came. I call them the "hicks" because they're about the most homegrown, old-fashioned, country boys I've ever met. Eating, drinking, a rowdy game of cut-throat pool, and a round of Texas Hold 'Em (which I won!) ensued. As the party wound down I had an intense political discussion with two guys; one, a recent college graduate and Air Force enlistee, the other, an opinionated conservative. Note to self- alcohol and politics should never mix!
Something that I will put in my "interesting box" (as my mom calls it) occurred that night. As ATS's hick friends were leaving one of them pulled me aside. J, former bullrider, man's man & ladies man, ATS's best friend and future best man pulled me aside and said, "ATS is my best friend and you are a great girl. I just wanted to let you know that if anything ever happens between ya'll I know a lot of guys that would take care of you". I was drunk, but sober enough to respond, "Nothing will happen between us...but thanks". Then, just before he left he shook hands with ATS, turned around to me, gave me a hug and said quietly, "I'd take care of you", walked out the door, turned around, made eye-contact with me and said, "I mean it." and then closed the door behind him. Odd behavior for a guy's best friend. I'll blame it on the alcohol...but only if it never happens again.
This is my last week in San Antonio! I can't wait to get the hell out of my parent's house.
We've been having a three day long discussion about the past and how it's affected our future. Can't go into detail cos it's kinda private. We're going to be ok though. However, I definitely could use a few drinks, so I'm going downtown tonight. :)
HILARY! Where are you?! Just checking up! MUAH!
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