Wednesday, November 2

just because

what a horrible day today has was. just one of those hopeless kind of days where you want to just put your head in your hands and cry and not give a damn who sees you lose it. i was on the verge of a breakdown so i decided to go to walmart to distract myself. as i was wandering around, putting goodies in my cart only to realize 6 rows later that i could not afford said goodies, i was only getting more and more depressed about my place in life. i felt transparent to everyone. i smiled at a little girl in her mother's shopping cart hoping that her innocence would cheer me up...she only glared at me. i was bumped into 3 times. not once was i apologized to or even acknowledged in anyway. and then...

this woman comes up to me. out of nowhere and hands me a rose and says "here. just because." thank goodness for the kindness of strangers.

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