its hard to explain
last week, after watching the movie Melinda & Melinda and consuming quite a few drinks i got into a discussion with arthur. i love deep, soul-bearing discussions, its like cuddling for the mind. however, on this particular night the alcohol seemed to bring out the little insecurities i have in our relationship and the discussion took a turn into awkward territory. i don't remember anything that i said specifically but i know it was something along the lines of "maybe we're not meant to be together, and thats ok. i'll always love you". why on earth i would say something like that i don't really know. but something that he said to me really stood out. he said "what worries me about our relationship is when things are good you are sure of everything. sure that you want to be with me and that everything will work out. when things are hard and we argue and struggle with each other's differences you say you're not so sure anymore. you can't stay consistent"
what bothers me about that statement is that he is SO right. when everything is good between us I AM sure, of everything. But when things are hard I question if it is meant to be. I don't know why I am so opposite sometimes. Then, talking to him yesterday I realized something else. I talk... a lot. I am very VERY open with him when I am talking to him, and very honest. So I tend to express my doubts more to him than the other way around. And of course...when things are difficult I tend to have more doubts...