thursday jokes
Auto response from hnppage: Contest of the Day: Tell me your favorite joke (it can be super funny or super lame). The top 3 best jokes will make my away message. Ready...Set...GO!
SWTLori2006: What did the bra say to the hat?
SWTLori2006: You go on a head...I'll give these two a lift!
SWTLori2006: and my other joke is...a guy walks into a bar carrying a tiny man playing a tiny piano...the bartender says, "Hey where'd you get him...he's so cool." The guy says there's a genie outside and he'll grant you any wish. The bartender goes outside and makes his wish...he comes back in followed by a long line of ducks...the bartender looks at the guy and says, "Hey, I wished for a million bucks and he gave me a million ducks." The guy says, "I know, you think I wished for a 12 inch pianist?"
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