Open Mouth- Insert Foot
I am afraid I've crossed line with a friend that may have caused permanent damage to our relationship.
My first offense: She went out of her way to get a job for me that isn't going to work out for various reasons. I spent one day on the job training with her, and that same afternoon was offered a position with higher pay, better hours and a more relaxed office setting. I'm going to have to turn down the position she worked so hard to get for me, and although this is a common occurrence in professional settings I am afraid it is becoming personal because of how hard she worked to get me into this job. I am afraid she thinks that I am being ungrateful or that I used her for her connections. I appreciate how hard she worked to get this job, especially because I needed money so bad and she knew that. She was doing me a HUGE favor and I am so thankful. But my priorities right now are money and the plain and simple fact is that I need to do whatever I can to make as much of it as possible.
My second offense: On the way to said job I was teasing her about her boyfriend. He is really competitive and opinionated and can sometimes rub me the wrong way, but nothing that I can't handle. In fact, I enjoy being around him because he challenges me. But I should know by now NEVER to say anything negative to someone about their boyfriend/girlfriend, even in jest. They will always take it the wrong way. I kept teasing her and by the time I realized I had really upset her it was too late. She kept me at arms length the entire day and I could tell that she had been offended by what I said.
I don't know what to do to make things better. This is a friendship worth holding onto. Suggestions?
Just give her a call. It sounds like you just might have feelings for her beyond what you're admitting, but that's just my motherly observation.
Apologize about the snide remarks. Be upfront about your job prospects, and trust me - working alongside a close friend is one of the best ways to screw up the friendship. But then again, so is sleeping with the friend! You sound like a good person, and you will figure this out, I'm sure! Good luck!
Well, talk about open mouth, insert foot, the foot was mine! And here I thought I was so good about gender...
A girlfriend, in my opinion, is worth more than gold. You can talk, bitch, work things out. So forget the misguided stuff I mentioned, and accept my apologies for being presumptuous. In the long run, I'd still not want to work closely with a close friend, since it can get just as complicated as a romance, and with the same result...
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