Friday, March 31

my girls

at j's bistro. where we spend most every tuesday night!

weenie dog

this is blitz's next halloween costume

Wednesday, March 29

I promptly declined.

This was an interesting night. I was nominated for Chaplain for Phi Lamb next year. I promptly declined.

Tuesday, March 28

yup...they're SO me!!!

OMG i have to have these birks!!! if you love me you
can buy them for my birthday...22 in exactly 1 mth and 1 day!

Sunday, March 19

Sunday, March 12

Spring Break '06

- made homemade sausage gravy
- walked to my old elemetary school playground (i forgot how amazing swings are!)
- The Constant Gardener

- Japanese Sunken Gardens
- San Antonio Botanical Gardens
- Madhatter's Tea for lunch

- picnic lunch at Pedernales Falls
- Vanishing Texas River Cruise @ Canyon of the Eagles in Burnet
- Texas Hills Vineyard on the way home

- hiking the Cibolo Wilderness Trail in Boerne
- lunch at Love Creek and a free sample of the best apple icecream
- Proof

- Seguin with Arthur's family
- Texas Snake Farm on the way home

- work on school stuff (ick!)

- Facial, massage & haircut at The Hair Clinic with mom
- Arthur's St. Patrick's Day party (green beer for all!)

Thursday, March 9

thursday jokes

Auto response from hnppage: Contest of the Day: Tell me your favorite joke (it can be super funny or super lame). The top 3 best jokes will make my away message. Ready...Set...GO!

SWTLori2006: What did the bra say to the hat?
SWTLori2006: You go on a head...I'll give these two a lift!

SWTLori2006: and my other joke is...a guy walks into a bar carrying a tiny man playing a tiny piano...the bartender says, "Hey where'd you get him...he's so cool." The guy says there's a genie outside and he'll grant you any wish. The bartender goes outside and makes his wish...he comes back in followed by a long line of ducks...the bartender looks at the guy and says, "Hey, I wished for a million bucks and he gave me a million ducks." The guy says, "I know, you think I wished for a 12 inch pianist?"

Wednesday, March 8

i love you more than puppies

even the ridiculously adorable ones!

Monday, March 6

not-drunk-enough-to-sleep-but-too-drunk-to-do-anything-but-get-online stage

the first sign that i am wasted is that i start thinking about my ex's. not missing-thinking. just thinking. i wonder what they're doing. if they're happy. i wonder if they think about me. i look up their blogs to see if they've been updated...even though there hasn't been an update in 8 mths. i unblock their screennames to see if their away message reveals anything about their current state of mind...but its always the same thing "i am away from my computer". one is married, the other i haven't heard from in 2 1/2 yrs. and for some reason, when i am in that not-drunk-enough-to-sleep-but-too-drunk-to-do-anything-but-get-online stage, they are what i think of.

like right now.

Thursday, March 2

i love you more than chocolate

i love you more than chocolate
its hard to believe, but true
the way Godiva melts in my mouth is how i melt for you.

i love you more than puppies
or any dog of any kind
and although a dog can be a friend, you're the best friend i'll ever find.

i love you more than organization
and having everything in its place
and if i had to choose, i would trash it all, just for your embrace.

i love you more than anything
i've ever loved before
and if tomorrow we met new again, i couldn't love you more.