Wednesday, November 30

my day went a little something like this...

Auto response from HNPPage:
- VERY ackward run in with a guy I used to date...CHECK
- Spill hot coffe all over my jeans....CHECK
- Almost start crying in a professor's office...CHECK
- Truck breaking down AGAIN...CHECK
- Trying to cram a gajillion hours of studying into 12...CHECK
- Running on empty...CHECK

i #$%&!*@ hate today

Tuesday, November 29

i can give myself a haircut

if i can remember, on certain days,
to be kinder to myself
to not find my carelessness
so egregious
to not attempt
to right every wrong
i've managed to wreak in the last 24 hours.

if i can remember, on certain days,
that not every mistake i make
is noteworthy
or even noticeable,
and that i am doing the best i can
under the circumstances.

if i can remember, on certain days,
that i am terribly, irreversibly
that my body is a moonscape of mystery
and that there will be days i will want nothing
but donuts.

if i can remember, on certain days,
that my lungs are a capable symphony
and i can give myself a haircut if i want
and i can go to bed early if i need
and i can make my own, messy version
of an apple pie

if i can remember, on certain days,
to dismiss the whining, the aching groans
discard the useless branches of impatience,
clear the lawn of worry
and every rose thorn of guilt
i've ruthlessly pointed
at my own heart.

if i can remember
i am merely a collection of restless molecules
as best as i can
a semblance of order

if i can remember this,
believe me,
you can, too.

Monday, November 28

this is not a race

One day, making toast,
you notice how happy it makes you
to please someone else.
And how easy.

A simple matter of giving away the good pieces
and keeping the burnt ones to yourself.

Because this is not a race
and you can start over.

Sunday, November 27

aw lawdy...

Do you need yet another way to waste your time? Go here (click on try demo, then record, then text-to-speech). I think I spent at least an hour laughing at my "sitepal" singing the words to the "Thong Song", "Baby Got Back" and (my personal favorite) "My Humps". Pretty freaking hilarious!

Monday, November 21

you should thank me for canceling

Isn't it great with a brief conversation with a friend makes not only her away message...but her significant other's as well? Thank God for cancelled plans...oh yeah...and I now have red hair. I'm not sure how I feel about this.

hello mr.ben

waiting for ben...

Auto response from HNPPage: hanging out with Ben in ATX

SWTLori2006: I like that you're on a first name if you were to see him walking down the street you'd say "hey ben" and he'd be like "hey hil what up?"

Saturday, November 19

"Party at your place Friday"

[and sarah said she wasn't drunk. who takes a picture on a table!?][sarah...still on the table] [classic]
[presidents and assholes][my girl is hilarious]

Wednesday, November 16

Tuesday, November 15

Christmas Wist List

Christmas Wist List

• Ralph Lauren Romance
• Amazon or Best Buy gift cards
• The Fray- “How To Save A Life” CD from Amazon (used @$7)
• Other CDS- Kevin Fowler, Cake, Jack Johnson, Coldplay, Rascal Flatts, The Decemberistis, Stars, Sfujan Stevens, The Wrens
• Home speakers for iPod mini
• Car adapter for iPod mini
• Durable dog toys for Blitz
• Candles
• Piano Keyboard
• Picture frames (simple)
• Quality cooking utensils
• Flatscreen computer monitor
• Small black decorative shelves (Target)
• Plain journal
• Memory stick for digital camera
• Magazine Subscriptions (especially anything that deals with health & beauty, photography, home decorating, cooking, current music or style)

Monday, November 14

Nov. 20th

i'm almost as excited to see these guys as i am mr. ben himself

Why do I do these?

1. My uncle once: would do anything for me...this was before he got married
2. Never in my life: will I be 100% happy unless I have a dog
3. When I was five: my little brother was born
4. High School is: better now that its over
6. I once met: a homeless person that followed me for 3 blocks yelling poetry, and when he finally caught up to me he expected me to pay him for it
7. There's this girl I know who: is ALWAYS there for me, even now that she is 922mi away
8. Once, at a bar: I got into a bad fight with my boyfriend. as i was sulking alone .another guy came up and asked me to dance. then, he saw the look on my face and told me "Go talk to him now. You know hes worth it"
10. Last night: I ate Thai food
12. Next time I go to church: I will be holding back my tears. I don't understand God right now
15. When I turn my head left: I see Blitz
16. When I turn my head right: my closet
18. How many days until my birthday?: 161
19. If I was a character written by Shakespeare I'd be: Beatrice in Much Ado About Nothing
20. By this time next year: Arthur and I will be planning a wedding
21. A better name for me would be: Pain-in-the-ass
22. I have a hard time understanding: death
23. If I ever go back to school I'll: die. I graduate in a year and a half, then I go straight into grad school, spend 3 years there and then finally (almost 5 yrs from now) I enter the real world. NO more school after that!
24. You know I like you if: I tease you a lot
25. If I won an award, the first person I'd thank would be:The Academy
27. Take my advice: accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative, hold on to the affirmative and don't mess with mr. in-between
28. My ideal breakfast is: a fresh fruit smoothie
30. If you visit my hometown: you're in San Antonio
32. Why won't someone: comment on my blog
33. If you spend the night at my house: there is a good chance i kidnapped your keys for the night just to be safe...i won't let you leave drunk
34. I'd stop my wedding if: he ever cheated on me
35. The world could do without: Willy Nelson
36. I'd rather lick the belly of a cockroach than: be one
37. My favorite blonde is: an old soul
38. Paper clips are more useful than: your mom
39. If I do anything well, it is: thinking...
40. And by the way: I miss you
41. The last time I was high: December 2002
42. I feel the need to waste my time with this because: I am depressed, lonely and have things piling up that I need to get done. Self-pity is where its at folks.

Friday, November 11

Thursday, November 10

Tag! You're It!

Ground Rules: The 1st player of this "game" starts with the topic "5 weird habits of yourself" and people who get tagged need to write a Xanga entry about their 5 weird habits as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next 5 people to be tagged. Don't forget to leave a comment that says "You are tagged" tell them to read yours.

1. I will NOT go to bed with dirty feet. Since I wear flip-flops pretty much 359 days of the year I am in the habit of checking my feet before I get into bed at night. If they're dirty I'll run the bath with some warm water and soak them till they're clean. I have white sheets. Maybe thats why. I also never wear socks to bed. Even if my feet are ice cold. I hate socks.

2. I drink before I go to an event that I am nervous about (where it may or may not be appropriate to show up buzzed). I guess I am good at hiding it because no one has seemed to notice yet.

3. I am still afraid of the dark. When I know my roommate isn't going to come home I will turn on all the lights in the apartment and leave them on all night. I will run through the dark rooms looking behind me to get to the light switch/lamp.

4. I hate being chased. It scares the crap outta me. I have no idea why. It makes me want to cry. Being chased is the only thing that really terrifies me. Maybe I need to deal with some repressed memories. Hmmm....

5. I hate HATE chapped lips. I think I carry around at least 3 different kinds of chapstick. Not to mention an additional 3 different kinds of sparkle or flavorful lipgloss. I am a lipaholic.

I tag Molly, Frank McBoob, Bridgette, Angelica and Arthur

Monday, November 7

i hate cancer

I hate feeling so hopeless. I hate seeing him hurting. I hate the feeling of his mother's impending death. I hate that he had to hold her head up at the hospital today for 2 hours. I hate that she is in so much pain. I hate that in a few weeks she will be totally paralyzed by the cancer that is wrapping itself around her vertebrae. I hate the the only option is to sit and wait for the cancer to kill her, or to spend thousands of dollars to simply slow it down. I hate that either way her time is very limited. I hate that I am so afraid.

Sunday, November 6

Saturday, November 5

Wednesday, November 2

just because

what a horrible day today has was. just one of those hopeless kind of days where you want to just put your head in your hands and cry and not give a damn who sees you lose it. i was on the verge of a breakdown so i decided to go to walmart to distract myself. as i was wandering around, putting goodies in my cart only to realize 6 rows later that i could not afford said goodies, i was only getting more and more depressed about my place in life. i felt transparent to everyone. i smiled at a little girl in her mother's shopping cart hoping that her innocence would cheer me up...she only glared at me. i was bumped into 3 times. not once was i apologized to or even acknowledged in anyway. and then...

this woman comes up to me. out of nowhere and hands me a rose and says "here. just because." thank goodness for the kindness of strangers.

Tuesday, November 1

Sincerely, Your Librarian

The library is a great place to workout. Seriously. I just put some Nikes on over my nude pantyhose and pull some of those noisy parachute pants halfway up to my armpits and get ready to break a sweat. Can you believe I only have to walk around the perimeter of the 7th floor 11 times to make a mile! No, don't worry. Nobody ever actually studies in the library. Why would they do a silly thing like that? And even if they wanted to, the obnoxious swish-swish of my pants would deter them.
Your Librarian